TIPS - How to install or Update the Powell Software solution in Power Automate.



this page will help you to easily install or update the Powell Software solution in Power Automate. As we continuously extend the solution with new samples, please check the latest version of the solution in your Microsoft 365 environement if you do not find all samples and update it if necessary.

Latest version:

Link to the solution to upload it on your device (the link is available only for customers and partners with access to the community center) :

Link to Power Automate:


Solution installation

  • in the Power Automate portal, go to the Solutions section


  • then click the import solution button at the top.
  • select the PowellSoftware solution from the browse button on your device.


  • Click next then Import.
  • Wait until the end of the process
  • Your solution is uploaded and visible in the solution explorer (Note: sometimes you will need to wait few minutes before seeing the solution in the list of solutions)



Solution updates

we need to follow the same process as mentioned above. 

  • after the selection of the solution upgrade, you will have a warning message that the solution already exist.


  • Click next then Import.
  • Wait until the end of the process
  • You solution is updated.

Important:  if you want to uptade the solution and you have configured some flows before the update, the configured flows will not be updated. To be able to get the updates, you will need to uninstall the solution and upload the new one.  Before doing it, do not forget to copy your configurations somewhere because you will need to set them again.

Additional notes

"lag effect"

it can happen when you upload the solution or update it

  • the solution is not immediatly visible in the solution store
  • a flow is in error when you try to edit it


the best is to wait a little, take a coffee and come back at a later time until the Power Automate services have done their works.

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