June 2023 Powell Teams release note

This release has been done on Thursday 15th June.

End-users only

KPIs on the user dashboard 

End users have now a quick view of the total of teams in each folder of their dashboard. This can be useful to make a clean-up sometimes in the year.


Powell Teams administrators only

New operators for Powell Teams profiles

The new operators as "Contains" are available in the profile creation and edition for Powell Teams administrator. It allows to build easily profiles based on user Azure Active Directory properties.


New teams reports

In keeping with the reports that Powell Teams already offers. Powell Teams wants to allow administrator to identify better the activity on their tenants. In this perspective, channels & applications are a very good idicator of usage activity and maturity.

  • Teams with private channels
  • Teams with only one channel (general)
  • Teams with applications
  • Archived teams

SharePoint site reports (Preview)

Following some of your requests over the past month we decided to cover the SharePoint sites reporting. In this preview, we first focused on 7 SharePoint sites reports:

  • All sites
  • Inactive sites: based on 90 days of inactivity 
  • Inactive sites with guests
  • Sites with guests
  • Sites without owners
  • Sites near to storage limit: 80% of the storage used
  • Sites that are in the recycle bin 

Those reports won't be available be default. If you are interested into this feature, please contact us trough the support or your CSM.

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