July 2023 Powell Teams release note

For this July release, we have focused on the implementation and enforcement of your governance policies. With templates that integrate new business applications and are created even faster. End users are also not left behind with new possibilities to quickly find their teams.

The release has been done on Tuesday, July 25 2023.


Speed up template creation

Creating and implementing your governance policies is now even faster. The template creation can now be done without any business reference team.


You will have the possibility to add a reference team after the team creation.

Find more details on the article describing a template creation.


Microsoft Project & List integration

Powell Teams templates now allow to override Microsoft Project & Lists configurations. As it is already possible for other Microsoft tools, it is possible to:

  • Create a new blank List 
  • Link to an existing Project or List
  • Copy an existing List

Find more information about tab custmization here.

People tag refiner 

End users have now the possibility to use people tag values as refiners on their dashboard. Henceforth, they can find their teams based on the technical expert, sales lead, manager of a project, or a team.



Have more details about People tags and refiners: Here


Administration menu entries reorganization

In order to simplify the access to Powell Teams features as an administrator, we wanted our menu to fit with the main steps of maintaining a Microsoft Teams environement well managed.

This is why the new Powell Teams administration menu has been reorganized around the 3 following steps: Understand, Manager, Control. The "Administration" section is kept.


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