To enhance the multilingual experience of intranet users, it is now possible to dynamically display the translation of taxonomy terms within different screens
Have translated taxonomy terms
- For this feature to be activated, you must first manually translate the terms you wish to be displayed translated: you can do this in your terms database in the Sharepoint administration settings. Here is a complete documentation on term store management.
- For each term, set its translation for each language desired
How does it work?
Taxonomy terms contained in news items will be translated according to the user's language (not the language of the page). Once your term store is translated, when you create news items in the contribution, add taxonomy terms inside taxonomy fields, as usual.
When you look at the View of the created news from an english user :
Taxonomy terms HR and Office are displayed.
View of the created news from French user:
HR and Office Taxonomy terms are translated as Ressources humaines and Bureau according to the translations inside the term store