August 2023 Powell Teams release note

For this summer release, the Powell Teams team has focused on a major new feature, that we are trhilled to introduce, Powell Teams Custom Reports.
This release is planned for August 18th 2023.


Custom reports 

This feature will be released in preview for the first month.

You now have the ability to build your own reports based on any properties of your teams and even your users. Whether it's about having control over the inactivity period or tracking very specific teams, such as teams without owners containing the word "test" in their name, Custom Reports in Powell Teams empowers you to tailor your reports to meet your unique needs.

To make it easier for you, you can construct your reports by leveraging existing Powell Teams reports.

Capture d'écran 2023-08-01 123611.png

Note that this evolution will impact the existing CSV export of the reports that can potentially impact your processes. The CSV export option will still be available for Powell Teams reports and also for your custom reports but some columns configuration will evolve. The following column names evolves for:
  • NbDocuments => NbFilesAndFolders
  • LastUpdateDate => updated
  • LastDocActivity => LastFileActivity
  • GroupId => OfficeGroupId
  • Title => DisplayName
  • Template => TemplateName
  • Members => MembersCount
  • Owners => OwnersCount
  • Guests => GuestsCount
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