The Virtual Building feature is available:
- In Powell Intranet Advanced SKU. If you are unsure about your licensing, do not hesitate to ask your sales contact.
- On SharePoint Online, only on Modern sites with a Powell template deployed on it.
Where you can find the feature?
If all the prerequisites are filled on your Office tenant and on your site, the Virtual Building component will be available on your catalog in Powell Manager and your portal.
If you already add the webpart on a page, you can start to build your map : Create a virtual buildind map
From a portal
Edit a page and add a new webpart on your page by selecting "Powell Intranet Webparts"
On the section "Specific dev & other" you will find the "Virtual Building" webpart.
Be aware that when you add the webpart, the entire page will be recovered by the feature. So you won't be able to easily access the SharePoint page behind.
From Powell Manager
By building your page as a template or in a site template, add the Virtual building webpart.
On the section "Specific dev & other" you will find the "Virtual Building" webpart.
Then you need to synchronize your page on your site and enjoy the feature in your portal.