We are thrilled to share with you that Powell Teams is now Powell Governance, marking our expanded focus on Microsoft 365!
Expect documentation to be reflect this change in the coming days. For more information, please have a look at this article.
When a campaign can be built to send alerts to workspace owners, those users will receive messages directly in their Microsoft Teams chat interface. In the chat with Powell Governance application, alerts cards will be sent in accordance to your campaign configuration.
Powell Governance provide a dedicated interface to be able to manage those governance alerts. On the enduser dashboard, they have a new page to manage three tabs:
- Approvals: Pending approvals they can accept or decline
- My request: The list of pending request made by the user
- Governance alerts: The list of workspaces concerned by campaign alert. Campaign name is displayed and workspace owners can edit those workspaces.
It can be bulk actions on several workspaces or specific actions for a single workspace, in this case, the owner will be able to edit the workspace within the dedicated interface. Where it's possible to change the workspace name and description, change privacy, archive the workspace, edit tag values, add or remove users, associate a new template (if authorized).