In our latest update, we're bringing significant enhancements to Powell Teams, focusing on two key areas to complete our SharePoint integration.
The release is planned for the week of the 24nd of April 2024.
Introducing tags for SharePoint sites
Tags are widely used by our customers to associate metadata on their teams and organize their workspaces based on various scenarii. This feature has been requested a lot for SharePoint sites and will now be available for:
- SharePoint governance templates
- SharePoint sites (values visible when editing sites)
- As refiners in user dashboards, reports, and directories with teams and SharePoint sites
It will help end users to easily find out their workspaces matter it's a team or a SharePoint site.
Administrators gain the ability to filter and organize workspaces in the back office, leveraging tags for a variety of scenarios to streamline tenant management.
API Update: We've updated the API signature for tag endpoints. If you're utilizing current endpoints, please contact us for details on the changes.
Revamped governance dashboard
The back office homepage transforms into a governance dashboard that now includes SharePoint insights.
The page will be arranged around the following key sections:
- Directories access for teams, SharePoint sites, and users
- Pending approval banner to highlight approval requests still pending an action
- Governance scores on Teams and SharePoint sites. Those scores are related to governance recommendations visible on another page describing the best governance practices for each kind of workspace.
- Tenant health overview with the reports (teams, sites, or users) administrators chose to pin on the page
- Two cards showing a few metrics about campaigns and the future feature guest review
Other updates
- Site storage maximum quota: A maximum storage quota will now be configurable at the governance template level to pre-set this information within the sites created with Powell Teams.
- Approval notification configuration: The option to send a message to approvers and keep requesters updated with Microsoft Teams messages will now be activated directly in the governance templates. It gives more flexibility depending on the template scenario.
Powell Governance Tags API changes
- Removal of endpoint Get tags information from tag ids (post) under URL /beta/tags/list Replaced by the endpoint List all tags by ids (get), where tag ids should be passed to the endpoint in a query string named tagIds:,Id2,Id3
- Removal of endpoint Get template tags under URL /beta/templates/{id}/tags Replaced by an OData declaration on get template by id:
Before :
After :
- New endpoints added : Create a Tag (Post) / Update a Tag (Patch)
- Changes in following endpoints :
Gets the tag details / List All Tags
- Property choicesJson does not exist anymore. Everything is now under the property choices, as an object instead of JSON
- Property type is now an Enum of string values amongst : Bit , Choice , Datetime , Int , People , String
- Property automations is added, to get link to related automations
List All Tags of a Team
- Response model is completely different now. All property referencing a value are now in only one property named value. Then defaultValue, choiceText and choiceValue properties disappeared
- A new complex object property named tag is now available, referencing all details of the linked tag (isRefiner, isMultiValued, automations, etc…) Especially, the property name is now a subproperty of the tag object property
- Property type is renamed into tagType and is now an Enum of string values amongst : Bit , Choice , Datetime , Int , People , String
- For tags of type choice : Choices are now under the object tag / The choice value selected is available in a complex object property named choice
- For tags of type user : A new property user is now available containing all details related to the user selected in the tag
- Following properties have been removed from this endpoint :
- isMandatory
- isShownToUsers
Create / Update a team
- Property tagType should be added in the payload for each tag in the tagValues array. Value for this propertyshould be chosenamongst :Bit ,Choice ,Datetime ,Int ,People , String