October 2024 Powell Governance release note

We are excited to announce the latest updates and enhancements in Powell Governance for October 2024. This release is designed to provide greater visibility, enhanced control, and an improved user experience. Our new features aim to simplify workspace management, offer better insights into report evolution, and allow more flexible management of team and site lifecycles.


The release is planned for Tuesday, September 24th, 2024.


Hide workspace types from user dashboard

Powell Governance administrators can now customize which types of workspaces end users will see on the user dashboard. This feature, developed in response to user feedback, allows administrators to manage workspace visibility more effectively, ensuring a more personalized and relevant experience for end users.

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Report history

The new "Report History" feature provides Powell Governance administrators with a clear view of report evolution over time (30 days, 90 days, 6 months, a year). Through interactive graphs, you can now visualize trends, track changes, and gain a better understanding of workspace dynamics.

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This enhanced visibility allows administrators to make informed decisions and adjust strategies based on the observed evolution, improving overall governance and management.


Expiration date rework for teams and sites

We have reworked the expiration date feature for teams and sites to make it more user-centric while maintaining overall administrative control. Administrators can now allow team creators to configure or update the expiration date of workspaces during team creation or editing.

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This update empowers workspaces to better manage their lifecycle by tailoring expiration periods to their actual needs, while still ensuring centralized oversight to maintain compliance and alignment with organizational policies.


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