Admin access policies

The admin access policy feature introduces a new level of control within Powell Governance by enabling administrators to create and manage sub-administrator roles with tailored back-office access. This feature helps organizations delegate responsibilities securely while ensuring sub-administrators only see and manage workspaces and users relevant to their assigned entity.


Sub-administrator role

A new sub-administrator role has been added to Powell Governance, this role can be assigned and modified directly from the Users page. Administrators can either apply existing access policies or create new ones for users with the sub-administrator role.

Sub-administrators have access to the following menus:

  • Administrator Dashboard
  • Recommendations
  • Workspaces
  • Users
  • Reports

Everything a sub-administrator sees and manages will be limited to their assigned entity, ensuring a partial view that aligns with the configured admin access policy.


Creating an admin access policy

Powell Governance administrators can create an access policy from the admin access policies page, where they can add a title and description for the new policy.

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Once this step is complete, they can configure the audiences and resources that will be affected by the policy. Administrators can define an audience that includes both end users and sub-administrators


Editing an admin access policy

Editing a policy provides advanced options for managing the audiences and associated resources.

  • Manage workspaces in a policy

There are several options for adding or updating associated workspaces to a policy, administrator can add workspaces to the policy from the policy editing interface, from the workspace list or from a report.

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Administrators can also add workspaces to a policy in bulk from the workspace list or a specific report with all the other bulk actions.

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  • Manage audienced users & sub-administrators

The users table will display all the users members of the audiences associated to the policy. It is possible to configure specific roles for sub-administrators directly from the policy management interface in the users table.

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To remove or add users in a policy, it has to be managed directly in the audiences.


Templates and access policies

Administrators can assign one or multiple access policies to a template.

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This allows for flexible and granular access control, ensuring that different policies can be applied to teams and sites created from the same template, depending on organizational needs.


The admin access policy feature simplifies delegation and enhances control, empowering Powell Governance administrators to manage complex environments efficiently while maintaining strict access boundaries.

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