The Word of the Month
"The year kicked off on a high note with the launch of exciting new features like Newsletter and Guided Tour, as well as the introduction of the brand-new SKUs: Boost & Advanced. Building on this momentum, we’re thrilled to announce the upcoming release of Analytics, alongside continued enhancements to make our tools simpler and more efficient – starting with the new Site Feature Panel."
Monica M'Pandy, Junior Product Manager
Guillaume Claisse, Product Manager
Summary :
🚨 Global Information 🚨
- Roadmap : New 2025 portal
- Powell API : New Whitelisting Requirements
⭐ Foundation Pack ⭐
- Page Layout: Improved breakpoint management
- Page Layout: Manage Full Width vertical section
- New edit webpart : Outlook Events
- New edit webpart : Outlook Mail
Multilingual in Contribution: Update all fields when duplicating pages in Microsoft Translation
✈️ Boost Pack✈️
- Augmented Search : Add new filter
🔜 Coming soon ! 🔜
- Breadcrumb : Manage breadcrumb based on site navigation
- Site Features : New panel to deploy and manage all Powell features
- Analytics : Get metrics about your sites
🚨 Global Information 🚨
🔍 Roadmap : New 2025 portal
We are proud to announce the launch of our brand-new roadmap, now accessible to everyone at the following link:
This platform is designed to let you share your feedback on the Powell Intranet product and vote for your favorite features, ensuring that your voice is heard in shaping our future developments.
We highly value your input, so don’t hesitate to explore the roadmap, provide feedback, and cast your votes. Your contributions make all the difference!
📃 Powell API : Update on Endpoint IP Addresses
As part of our continuous service improvements, we are upgrading our architecture. This update will result in changes to the IP addresses associated with the endpoint.
In line with our recommendations, if you have implemented a whitelist for our services, we strongly advise configuring security rules based on the CNAME rather than fixed IP addresses.
However, if your security rules are currently based on specific IP addresses, please find below the new IP addresses that need to be updated in your security settings.
⭐ Foundation Pack ⭐
💻 Page Layout : Improved breakpoint management
We’ve improved breakpoint management for pages that include a vertical section, ensuring that they display correctly on low-resolution screens. This adjustment make content more accessible on smaller devices or screens with lower resolutions.
↔️ Page Layout : Full-width vertical section
It is now possible to add full-width sections when using a vertical section in the layout.
When you enable the vertical section option, a top section will now appear automatically at the top of the page. Within this top section, you will be able to add a fully editable full-width section, giving you greater flexibility in designing your page layout. This update aligns with functionality already available in SharePoint.
Note: Only full-width sections can be added in this configuration.
✏️New Edit webpart : Outlook Events / Outlook Email
We continue to introduce enhanced editing forms for webparts, making customization easier and more efficient. The new forms provide a seamless way to edit event settings directly from the front-end, simplifying the process for users.
Outlook Events
How to display
Customize how events appear by selecting a display type, setting the number of visible events, enabling pagination, and adding a "See More" button with a custom label.
Manage Outlook Events
Choose the calendar source (user, shared, or group), define how many months to display (max recommended: 3), add a custom Outlook calendar URL, and set the refresh interval (min: 30s)
Outlook Email
How to display
Customize how emails appear by selecting a display type, setting the number of messages to display, enabling pagination, and adding a "See More" button with a custom label.
Manage Outlook Events
Add a custom Outlook URL, and set the refresh interval (min: 30s)
🌐 Multilingual in Contribution : Update all fields when duplicating pages
Previously, only four fields (title, description, content, and banner image) were updated during duplication. Now, all fields, including taxonomy and other text fields, can be translated and updated when duplicating pages in contribution.
With this update, all fields will now be translated when duplicating.
💌Newsletter : Add documents
You can now seamlessly insert documents directly into the newsletter builder, including files such as DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, and PPTX. To ensure these documents are accessible, their content must first be indexed through the search.
✈️ Boost Pack ✈️
Advanced Search : New filters
To optimize search costs and enhance the precision of research using Advanced Search, we’ve introduced new filters designed to refine results more effectively.
These filters allow users to narrow searches based on specific time periods ( Last 7 days, weeks, and months) and content types, making it easier to find exactly what they need while improving overall efficiency and reducing unnecessary resource usage.