Profiles / Audiences


Profiles can be used for specific audiences for Powell Governance templates or promoted teams. During Template configuration Powell Governance Administrators decide which group of users can select this template. 


For example, a template for projects explicitly designed for the Finance department is only visible to the Finance department members.  


Profiles can address various user scenarios. For example you can make templates, in which external guests can be invited only available to sufficiently trained employees.

Those profiles can also be used for promoted teams displayed on the user dashboard.

Click on "Profiles" on the burgundy panel on the left of the screen to manage available audiences. 


Capture d’écran 2023-07-25 170005.png


Read more about how to use profiles in Team template settings


Create a new Profile

Click "Create a new profile" to open the profile creation form.


Enter a profile name and description in the panel displayed on the right of your screen. 


Keep in mind that you can create profiles for one person as well as for a group of people. Use Profiles to test templates before publishing. 



User accounts and Azure Active Directory group 

If you choose the option "User accounts and Azure Active Directory group," you can have a security group created by IT or all the marketing users, for example. When a user joins the group, he automatically becomes part of the Powell Governance profile. 

Profiles based on Azure Active Directory groups are updated once a day on Powell Governance.

If you want to add more users, you can use the search box below and choose users from the list. You will see the user accounts and groups that have been selected. As mentioned before, you can add both individual users and a group of users as a profile. 



Based on Office 365 Profile property

As you chose the option "Based on O365 Profile property", you will need to create a rule for a user profile. This user profile has properties like department, office, work phone, etc ... that the user can define and which can also be pushed by the company.

This allows displaying a template, for example, only for users in the marketing department. The difference with individual users is that it will enable more flexibility. If you have a new person joining the marketing team, you don't need to add him to your profile. 

Profiles based on O365 profile property are updated once a day on Powell Governance.

As you click on "Create a rule," you will create a rule according to the property, operator, and Value shown in the image below. You will choose the property type from the dropdown list that fits your needs. 




For the operator, you can choose between all the following ones:



Example: a profile created for the finance department team. 




Click "Save" to save the profile and return to the profile list.


Edit Profiles

Profiles are displayed in alphabetical order. 




Delete a profile

To delete a profile, click "OK" 


Confirm the removal of the profile. 

Templates that did use the profile changed their "Who can use this" set to "Everyone." To get a list template to modify the profile first.


Modify a profile 

Click on the "Editing" pencil icon to manage a profile. 


View or change the name and/or the description of the profile. The rule type selected defines how the profile members are automatically recognized. 




List of templates associated with your profile

The form displays all templates where the profile is used. To view the template, click the title. 


Example: only one template is listed. The profile "DEMO Linda" is only selected in the "Marketing" template. 



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