Recommended teams

We are thrilled to share with you that Powell Teams is now Powell Governance, marking our expanded focus on Microsoft 365!

Powell_Governance_V1 1.png

Expect documentation to be reflect this change in the coming days. For more information, please have a look at this article.


As a Powell Governance administrator, you can promote & highlight important company teams to your employees.  

As a result, new or existing employees can quickly discover the important company teams to follow on the user dashboard under " Recommended" tab. Check the Welcome page for more information. 

To promote teams to your employees, go to the menu > manage your teams > recommended teams.

Capture d’écran 2023-07-25 170005.png


The list of Recommended teams 


You have the list of recommended teams displayed in alphabetical order on this page. 

You can delete a team from the list of recommended teams with a delete button on the right. 


Recommend a team or edit a recommended team

To recommend a team, click on "Add a team" , select a team:

You can then associate a profile to your recommended team so that only specific people can see it. Selecting "Everyone" will display the team to all of your end users.


To recommend the new team, click on the "save changes." 

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