Activity logs


You can access this page through the administration section, in the menu. 



This page will allow the Powell Governance administrators to track every important activity. It regroups:

  • The ongoing tasks that can take some time to be done (team creation or multiple team update)
  • All the actions done by Powell Governance administrators


The table that you can see on the image abive provides a complete information of what is happening on your tenant: 

  • The type will display what type of activity is being carried out: team creation  or the report creation
  • Name - will depend on the activity whether it is the team creation or the report creation. 
  • Status - shows if the activity succeeded/ failed, is still pending or in progress. 
  • Start date - Start date of the activity  
  • End date - the end date of the activity
  • Users -  name of the user carrying out the activity
  • Details - will display additional details for each activity. - for ex:  if team creation failed, this column will describe what could be the reason behind it. 

Every time someone will try to create a team through the team creation wizard, the following page will list all the team creation activities with its proper status. Whether the team creation succeeded, failed,  is in progress or still pending. 


Filtering possibilities

To easily find the information you want, you have advanced filtering and ordering options.



It is possible to have the list of all the tasks or only the one of the connected user. 

On several columns, it is possible to order the information from A to Z or A to A. And also filter the logs by status.


As you click on the “eye” icon, you can access more detailed information about each activity. 

For each activity log detail panel, you will find the different steps of the task and an option to download it as a JSON file. It could be usefull to document a support ticket if you have any issue on a task.
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