Create a template


Powell Governance templates allow you to set up governance rules and then apply them to existing workspaces or use them for workspace creations.

Teams and SharePoint site templates are built the same way but some parts of the configuration are related to each type of workspace.

Before creating your Template in Powell Governance , you need to create a Microsoft Teams team with proper channels and tabs. You will then use your Microsoft team as a model for your Template in the template creation form. It is crucial, that Powell Governance templates are based on reference teams to prepopulate channels, tabs, additional configurations, or members.


Create a template

Click on "Create Template" to open the template creation form.

Capture d'écran 2024-01-12 172344.png

The form does include four steps:

  1. Type of template choice (SharePoint site or team)
  2. General Information
  3. Template reference selection
  4. Template preference settings

General Information

Give your Template a title and description on the "General Information" tab. The title and description of the template will be visible to users when they choose a template during the workspace creation process. The template information URL can be used to guide users to use the template. It will be displayed during workspace creation.


It is important to choose a good title and to use the description. This allows users to better find the best template and to understand what the template is about and how it is configured.



For SharePoint site templates, you have one more field "Type of SharePoint site" to choose between a communication site or a group team site. This information is used when creating new sites with the template.

Capture d'écran 2024-01-12 172649.png

After that step, your SharePoint site creation will be launched and you can now edit the template to configure governance rules in it.


Template reference selection (only for teams)

The next step is to select a reference for your template.

blank template.png

You have three options: 

  1. Create a blank template 
    This option allows you to create a template quickly and directly start to configure it. However, it's important to note that this particular option does not support importing channels, tabs, applications, or owners from an existing team. Nevertheless, you have the flexibility to reassign an existing team to the newly created template if necessary.
  2. Refer an existing team from the list of teams available for you.
    With this option, you can base your template on an existing team. Powell Governance provides you with the flexibility to import the reference team's channels, tabs, applications, and users. This way, your template can be used to create new teams with the same configurations, making the process even more efficient.

template based.png

When creating your Microsoft Teams teams as templates always use the same identifier in their names. This allows the Powell Governance Administrator to search for in the Powell Governance Template creation process.

After your selection, click "Next".


3. Refer to a Powell Governance template 

           Select a template from the proposed template list. You will have access to an impacting templates gallery.



Template reference settings (only for teams)

When you choose to base your template on an existing team or a Powell Governance template, you gain the flexibility to import specific settings into your new template.

Simply mark the checkboxes next to "Applications," "Settings," "Members," and/or "Tabs" to include them in your Template. Keep in mind that Channels are always mandatory and will be automatically included in your new template.


Click "Create Template" to create the Template. 



You can click "Show template's details" on the confirmation screen to define governance and default members' settings.


Frequently asked questions

1- What happens if my team model is deleted?

When you select a team model, we read the configuration of the Microsoft Teams team into Powell Governance . If the model is then deleted, your team template is still working.


2- What happens if I forget a configuration within the wizard?

The Team Template wizard is a quick way to start a team template. You can edit the created team template at any time from the team template dashboard, which includes all your team templates.


3- I created a team template, but I don't see it in the list of templates in the user dashboard?

Your Template is in the draft; you need to publish it to make it available for everyone.  


4 - Are Powell Governance templates supported on Education tenants?

Powell Governance templates have not been designed for Eduction tenants. We might support it at a later stage.

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