Powell Governance provides a dedicated interface in the administration center to centralize the most essential user information and simplify their governance management. In addition to the user directory, Powell Governance administrators can manage their rights and permissions (ownership or membership). It can also take actions on users to manage scenarios like guest management, onboarding, or offboarding.
To access the user page, click on "Users" on the menu:
List of users
This page lists all users (internal and external) that are at least members of one team or a SharePoint site of your tenant.
The table has the following columns for each user:
- Name (users without a name may be disabled)
- Powell Governance role
- Number of teams he is a member of
- Number of teams he is the owner of
On this page, various actions are available:
- Use the search bar to search for the user (based on user name or email address). Guests and disabled users are visible.
- Sort the users by the number of teams they are members or owners of
- Import Microsoft 365 Administrators as Powell Governance administrators. This will automatically make existing Microsoft 365 global administrators and Microsoft Teams administrators Powell Governance administrators.
- Access to the details of each user
User detail
After clicking on the user detail access button , you will have several information concerning each user.
- Name
- Job title
- Email address
- User status (internal or external)
- Azure AD ID (can be copied)
- Powell Governance role (can be edited only by Powell Governance administrators who are also Microsoft Teams administrators or M365 global administrators)*
- The number of workspaces he is a member of
- The number of workspaces he is the owner of
- The number of workspaces he is a visitor of
* If the user is already connected, he/she would have to clear it browser cache to see the change done.
It is also possible to perform some actions for each user to get in touch with them:
- Send a mail
- Send an MS Teams message
- Launch an MS Teams call
Moreover, you can see the list of all the teams and SharePoint sites, that the user is a member, owner, or visitor of and takes actions on those workspaces.
The table lists the teams with detailed information:
- Role of the user in the team
- Team name
- Template name
- Number of owners of the team
- Number of members of the team
- Team status (archived or not)
The table lists the SharePoint sites with detailed information:
- Role of the user in the team
- SharePoint site name
- Template name
- SharePoint site type
- Number of owners of the site
- Number of members of the site
- Number of visitors to the site
- Site status (archived or not)
For both user's teams or sites, you can download the entire list of workspaces in a click to analyse it outside if Powell Governance.
Bulk Actions
In addition, the Powell Governance administrator will be able to realize bulk actions (only for teams for now):
After selecting one of the two bulk actions available, the administrator will be able to select the teams he wants to:
- Revoke access
The Powell Governance administrator is informed of the impossibility of removing an owner of a team where he is the last owner. Also, he has the list of templates associated with the selected teams. It is then possible to select if this user should be also removed from the templates associated associated to the teams impacted.
This scenario is pretty useful in the offboarding process.
- Copy and assign ownership
In this modal, the Powell Governance administrator will be able to assign the rights (ownership or membership) of the user selected to one of several other users:
This scenario is pretty useful in the onboarding process.