
This article is associated to the "web parts" category. To understand the fundamental of the web parts, read the introduction article

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When building your Intranet page, you will need to organize your content with different sections.​ ​The title widget is particularly interesting and useful since it can help you to incorporate multiple web parts in one section.  

You can use a Title web part in different ways :

1. You can divide your Intranet page into different sections

2. Display multiple web-parts together

3. Redirect users to a specific page by clicking on it.

You can find examples of a title web-part everywhere on Powell Intranet.


title web-part

The example below shows how using a title web part can combine several widgets in one section. 


Highlights section on Powell Intranet home page



After selecting the Title web part, the following edit form will appear. You will see how to configure each part of it below.


"Title" web-part edit form

  • In the "Title" edit form: you can choose which title you want to set by default. You can add a language by selecting it in the "Select a language" drop-down list and adding a desired translation in the field displayed.
  • You can add a "URL" if you want the user to be redirected when the title is clicked, and decide whether or not you want this link to be added in a new tab.
  • You can add an "Icon URL" to your title if you want to display an icon next to it.
  • And lastly, you can add a custom CSS class to it that will allow you to customize your intranet as you desire.
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