Search box


The Search box web part is a great way to simplify the search of different elements on your intranet. 

Thanks to the Search box, you can search certain elements of a linked content search web part directly from a field.


 Search box web-part



After selecting the Search box web part, an edit form will appear.  You will see how to configure each section of it below.


"Choose where to display the results" section

  • You can select the display of your Search box in the “Template” drop-down list.
  • You can display the results on the current page or another page by selecting the behaviour you want your search box to have:
In a current page


A “Connect to” section will be displayed where you can choose the Content search web part you want your search to be linked with.  If you have set many content search web parts on your page, you can select the one you want to link by selecting the right checkbox.

In another page

A field where you can add the other page's full address.


When the user does a search from this box, he will be redirected to the defined URL. The search he did will be transferred to the target page.


“Enable suggestions” section

Some suggestions will appear when your user starts to type something in the search box. 

With the given checkboxes, you can decide what can suggestion be displayed


Enable the suggestions” section on the Search box web-part edit form

Search suggestions: additional term in relation to the search done

People suggestions

Delve suggestions: Sites + documents


The “Configure the navigation tabs” section

Under your checkbox, you can decide to add some navigation tabs to make it easier for users to navigate through links.

Navigation tabs under the "Search box" web-part display
  • In the edit form you can choose to :
    • Have “No tabs”
    • Use “Configured tabs”: It will display the global search scope defined at the site collection level (same as the global search box)
    • Or to create custom tabs: Where you can set the title of your tab and the URL linked to it. You can add as many tabs as you want by clicking on the add button. Once created you can directly edit these tabs under “The Navigation Links” where all of your tabs are listed. You can add a language to the tab or delete it.
“Configure the navigation tabs” section on the Search box web-part edit form



“Configure the default placeholder text” section

In this section, you can set which text will be displayed by default and/or for each language in your Search-box.

“Configure the default placeholder text" section on the Search box web-part edit form
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