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There are two ways for Intranet contributors to create events.
1. Directly from the Events Hub template, with a "new event" button
2. With the "Manage content" icon
Create an event from the Events Hub page
On the Event Hub page, Click the “new event” button to access the event creation form and start filling in the required information:

If you are in the context variation mode, you can choose your preferred language/languages, and decide in which language you want to publish the content.
- Choose the language: In the example shown in the image below, two languages have been chosen - English and French. You can publish your content both in EN and FR.
- All-day event: Choose this option If the event is lasting all-day
- Title: Give your event a title
Event creation form
- Upload an image: You can upload an image for your event and simply drag and drop the image in the form or by selecting a file from your device.

- Location: Choose a location where the event is taking place
- Start date: Indicate the start date and starting hour of the event.
- End time: Indicate the end time – the date and hour.
- Number of places: You can indicate the number of places available for a particular event
- Contacts: Indicate contact information, a name, or an email address in case attenders need additional information
- Department: You can tag the event by departments
Ex: communications department, HR
- Category: You can select the type of meeting.
Ex: Brainstorming, Team-building, Training.
- Comment: Use this space to add more information on the event.
Created Events
Created events will be immediately available on the Event hub page. You can click on the event itself to access more detailed information.
Ex: If you click on the event “Workshop digital workplace”, you will be presented with a separate page of that specific event with more detailed information on the event.
Further down the page, other recent events will be displayed.
To make changes to this specific event, you can click on the “edit” button, just right next to the event title. The event form will appear, where you can proceed with your modifications. Click “publish” to update your changes.
As you click on the button "register", you will be automatically registered to the event. You will receive an email for your event subscription.
Create an event with the "Manage content' icon
- Click the "manage content icon"
- Choose the type of content you want to create: Event Hub
- As you do this, the events creation form will be displayed. You will have to fill in the required information as it was described above on the page.