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New to Powell Manager? Click here for the full product overview.
Also, Read a technical review of Powell Manager on our blog here.
Nothing is easier than creating a new site from Powell Manager based on a template.
Discover our templates gallery in the dedicated section of the helpdesk: Templates
Deploy a template: follow a detailed guide on how to deploy your template from Powell Manager.
- Go to your Powell Manager environment
- Click on deploy in the Powell Intranet tab and go to "site collections".
- Click the "Create new site" button that allows you to access the creation wizard.
As you click the button, you will have displayed the list of all available Templates.
Here you can filter the templates:
- by Powell templates
- by custom templates – the templates that you created
- by templates built by your Partners
You can click on the "i" icon to open the description of the template.
- Come back to the list and click on a template to select it. Let's choose "Orion - Home."
You will arrive on the general information page.
- Fill in the required information.
- Site title: give a title to your site.
- Site URL: as you put a name, it will automatically generate a site URL that will appear just below the site title. You will also be able to modify the URL if you wish.
- Environment: define if it's a development, testing, or production environment
- Language - choose the language of the site.
Once the information is filled, click on the Next button to go to the language step.
- Choose what kind of content translation you want to apply on your site.
- No content translation: This means you will create your content in only one language. But be aware that your display language can be translated thanks to the alternate language.
- Modern SharePoint variations: You'll have only one entry for the portal, but you'll be able to create pages (and only pages, not items) in different languages. Then you can display it, linked to the connected user's preferred language.
Microsoft recommends this option, but only pages can be created in different languages, so make sure your customer doesn't need to create items in different languages.
- Powell variations: Let's take the example of French and English: you will have a part of the platform with everything in English, even the content, and another part in French. Then, each contributor will create the content in each variation language. Each piece will correspond to a subsite, and users will be redirected by default to the right subsite linked to their personal information (language profile and, if empty, the browser language). Still, they will be able to switch from one to the other very easily.
This option allows you to add all the content in the different languages but uses subsites that Microsoft does not recommend.
This architecture is complex, so before using it, you need to make sure your customers have enough internal resources to create all the content in the different languages.
Once the information is filled in, click the "next" button to go to the summary step.
From there, you can see the main settings you have chosen before and check if everything is ok.
You can also choose to provision the site with default content (for now, it's available only for a few templates only in English, but we will add more very soon).
If everything is ok, click on the Deploy button, and let's have a look at the final result: