Office Groups/Teams/Viva Engage

This article is associated to the "web parts" category. To understand the fundamental of the web parts, read the introduction article

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Office Groups/Teams/Viva Engage is a Powell web part. With one web part you can access 3 things: 

  • Office 365 groups 
  • Viva Engage
  • Teams 

With the search tab, you can easily find your groups in all office 365.  

You can find the example of this web part on Powell Intranet My board page. 

In the example below, the first tab displays the list of your teams, while the second displays the list of all teams.  




Configure the web-part settings


  • Template: choose the display (currently Orion group list is chosen)
  • You can select the “see more option” and set a label of your choice. This button will send you to either Office groups,  Microsoft Teams, or the Viva engage groups. It depends on which “groups” you will activate in the web-part settings. In the example used on this page only Teams groups are activated, so the “see more” button will send users to Microsoft Teams.  (Image below)


If you activate Viva Engage groups, you will be redirected to the Viva Engage page. If you activate Teams groups you will be redirected to Microsoft  Teams page and if you activate Groups, you will be redirected to the Office groups.  If you activate all the three of them, you will have three tabs displayed on the web-part : for Groups, Teams and Viva Engage.  The “see more” button will redirect users to a page depending on which tab users will be on. Below you can see the example when all the three options, Office Groups, Teams and Viva Engage groups are activated.  (You will find how to set these properties in the web-part settings below)


  • Select the Compact mode if you do not want to have titles next to the icons
compact mode deactivated
  • Paginate result - set the number of items per page.
  • Set the number of items to show


  • Set the properties for Groups Management

- you can activate Office groups that will add an "Office groups" tab on the web part.

-  you can choose to display all groups. You will be able to filter your groups by “my groups”, my “favorite groups” and “all groups”.

- you can authorize the group's creation. If you do so,  you will have a button “create a group” displayed on the web part.


  • Set the properties for Teams Management

-you can activate Teams that will add a Microsoft Teams tab on the web part. 

-you can choose to hide or display the “all teams” tab with private and public teams

-you can choose to authorize teams creation that will add a “create a team button” on the web part. 



  • Viva Engage groups management - you can choose to activate Viva Engage groups that will add a Viva Engage tab on the web-part


  • Panels configuration:

-choose the number of conversations to display 

-number of events to display

- number of files to display

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