The Button web part is a perfect way to add personalized interactions through your intranet.
Thanks to the Button web part, you can create certain actions available for the user.
After selecting the Button web part, the following edit form will appear. You will see how to configure each section of it below.
Button web-part edit mode form
"Title" configuration
- This field is the one that sets the label that'll be written on your button. Here you can explain what action the button will perform.
"Select a language" configuration
- The "Title" field corresponds to the default label for your button, if you want to add a particular translation for each language, you'll just have to :
- Select the language in the drop-down list
- Click on the "Add" button (on the right of the drop-down list)
- Fill in the field that appeared for the language you selected with the title you want
- If you don't want a language anymore, you'll just have to click on the "Delete" button on its right
- You can edit directly the title fields
“Title” and "Select a language" configuration for the button web-part
"Standard display" (and "Preview") configuration
- You can select a custom display for your button directly from the ones proposed below, depending on what type of button you wish to have on your page. As you select a display, you'll have the preview of your button that'll dynamically change to give you an immediate look at what you're configuring.
“Standard display” (and "Preview") configuration for the button web-part
“Custom CSS class” configuration
- Here, you can add a custom CSS class to your button, for you to customize your intranet as you desire. You can refer yourself to our design guide, where you'll find all our custom CSS class for the button component, at this URL
“Custom CSS class” configuration for the button web-part
“Button Type” configuration
- And lastly, you can decide which action clicking on your button will perform. You can choose between four of them :
- Open an URL: If a user clicks on the button, he will be redirected to a link.
- You can choose to enable the audience targeting of your content, as it'll only be displayed to the group you'll choose from the drop-down. If you check the "Load all groups" box, all the groups will be displayed in the drop-down.
- You can set the URL a user will be redirected to in the URL field.
- You can also set the opening option of the link. If the user clicks the button, the link can be opened in a new tab, on the same page, or in a pop-in.
- Open an URL: If a user clicks on the button, he will be redirected to a link.
“Url” Button type configuration for the button web-part
- Content management-Create a new content: If a user clicks the button, he will be able to create or edit some content and a content type creation or edition pop-in will appear.
- You'll have to indicate the type of content you'll allow a user to create by selecting it on the "Select a content type" drop-down list.
- If you're using Powell variation, you can also give a user the right to add content in different languages by checking the box, under the drop-down list.
- You can also only for creation content option define a gamification action. When your user will create a content he will earn the number of points associated to the action selected.
- Content management-Edit current content: when the user will click on the button he will edit the current page properties
- Content management-Create a new content: If a user clicks the button, he will be able to create or edit some content and a content type creation or edition pop-in will appear.
- “Content creation” Button type configuration for the button web-part
- Site creation-As a site collection: for this one, your user will be able to create a site, you need to choose the template and a gamification action if you want to give him points for this action. Here the site will be created as a site collection.
- Site creation-As a subsite (deprecated): Same as before but the site will be created as a subsite of the current site.
- Previous page: If a user clicks the button, he'll be redirected to the previous page. No configuration is needed to perform this action.
- “Previous page” Button type configuration for the button web-part
- Teams Creation: If a user clicks the button, he can create a team. No configuration is needed to perform this action.
- Teams Creation: If a user clicks the button, he can create a team. No configuration is needed to perform this action.
“Teams Creation” Button type configuration for the button web-part