We are thrilled to share with you that Powell Teams is now Powell Governance, marking our expanded focus on Microsoft 365!
Expect documentation to be reflect this change in the coming days. For more information, please have a look at this article.
Collaborate, exchange and share good moments with the colleagues of your department.
Template settings
The following settings will be imported when you will create your template:
Channels & tabs:
- General
- 1 👩🔧 Work life
- 2 💰 Budget and KPI
- 3 🤣 Fun time
- 4 🙌 All hands meeting
- Privacy: Private team
- Minimum number of owners: 3
- Minimum number of members: 5
- Guest allowed: No
As an advice, we recommand to complete the template with the following additional configurations on your side: learn more on how to update a gallery template
Tabs you can add:
- General: a SharePoint to display the intranet department page, to maintain informal discussions and a OneNote to keep department notes and ideas in the same place
- 1 👩🔧 Work life: a people directory SharePoint page to know who is working within the department, another SharePoint page displaying the last business news, another one to have the job offers in a tab and a last one to have the department documents accessible in a click
- 2 💰 Budget and KPI: an Excel to have an eye on the department budget and a Power BI to follow the most important metrics
- Naming convention exemple: 🙆♀️🙆♂️ Department | Department | Location | [Team name]
- Approval workflow exemple: Managers or HR
- Profile exemple: Managers
- Tags you can add: Department (choice), Location (choice)