How to deploy Script Editor

The Script Editor web part is a Powell 365 web part.  

This web part allows you to integrate a specific code into your intranet page. This way, you won't be restricted to integrate the features you want to execute on your Intranet portal. You'll be able to personalize and add whatever you need to your pages. 

The nature of your code will determine the display. 


Deploy from Powell Manager

Follow the step-by-step guide below to add our Script Editor web part through Powell Manager.

First of all, you'll have to go to the page where you want to add the web part.

To do so, you have to go to your site settings and select (or create) the page where you want to add it.


You can do so by selecting "Powell Intranet" in the Powell Manager navigation bar.

Then select the "Design" section, and click "Sites" under the "SharePoint templates" list.



Then you can click the "edit" button of the site, which contains the page where you want to add your web part, or create a new one by clicking on the "Create a new site template."



After this step, you'll be redirected to the following page, where you will be able to manage your site pages by selecting "Pages" in the left navigation.



We can now pursue the page edition to add the Script Editor web part. You can either "Create a new page" or edit one that's already been created.

This feature is a simple web part that can be added to your page, so it can be integrated as a new element to your page.



If you decide to create a new page or edit one, you'll be redirected to the page edition.

At the bottom of this page, you have the page components shown, depending on how you've decided to add some rows and elements. 

You have to click on "Add a web part" depending on where you want to have your Script Editor web part.




A pop-in will open, displaying the list of available widgets.
Click on the "SharePoint" section from the top navigation.
You have two options: you can either search for "Script editor" from the search bar on top, or scroll down to search for it. Then you can click on the "+" button to add the webpart to your page.
A pop-in will open. It will give you the opportunity, in the "Edit mode section," to set one element, to configure this web part before deploying it.

You have the "Code" part where you can write your code for it to be executed when the page loads.


When you're done, you can save your web part by clicking on the "save" button under your form.

If you've finished with your page configuration, synchronize it to make it available on your site.
Click the "save" button on the top of the page, then click the "sync" button to deploy it.
A pop-in will open, letting you configure your deployment as you wish.  Then, click the "save" button at the bottom.
A warning message will appear for you to validate and make sure you have configured the deployment correctly. 
Please make sure to check it before pursuing it.
Then, you can click the "save" button, and the page will be synchronized to your site with your brand new web part.
You're now done adding this web part to your site; you can now enjoy our features!
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