👩‍🌾 Site members - Create a category on the WaterFountain page

This article is associated to the "Roles & right management" category. To understand the fundamental of the roles and right management, read the introduction article

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As a contributor, you can add pages to the WaterFoutain template. Each category of topics that you see on the image below, is a separate page that comes along with related questions and answers (the discussions). 

Contributors can create additional categories to prompt conversations between company employees. 



How to create a new category? 

To create a new category (topic), 

  • Go to the WaterFoutain template
  • Click Powell gear on the Powell Floating menu
  • Click add content
  • Then select "add a page"  and under "available content", select "Waterfountain topic"
  • Click create


As you click create, a topic creation form will pop up. Follow the instructions and fill in the required information:

  • Title: Put a title for your topic
  • Description: Provide a topic description


  • Banner image - Upload an image from your device


  • Category: Indicate a topic/category (e.g. Science)
  • Color: Choose a color for the topic that will be displayed on the question-cards
  • Icon: Choose an icon for the topic that will be displayed on the question-cards
  • Options for translation: Translate the content to another language 


  • Click "publish"

*As you publish your category, it will appear as a topic on the WaterFountain page and users will be able to post questions and start discussions. 

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