What you need to know before starting
Do you have an Apple developer account?
- If yes, do you have a valid certification to sign your apps?
- Do you already create an iOS or Mac OS apps?
- Are you able to create a provisioning profile, app ids, and push notification keys?
- In the case of an AdHoc deployment, did you associate your iOS devices to your provisioning profile?
Step 1: App group
Go to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/list
- Press “+” to create an identifier, select “App Groups” and click on "Continue"
- Enter a Description (eg: “Your App Name Group”) and an identifier (eg: “group.com.yourcompany.yourappname”)
- Click on "Continue"
- And finally, click on "Register"
Step 2: iOS identifiers
- Press “+” to create a new identifier and select “App IDs”
- Select “App” and continue
- Enter a description (eg: “Your App Name”) and a Bundle ID (eg : “com.yourcompany.yourappname”)
Select following capabilities
- “App groups”
- “Fonts”
- “Push Notifications”
- Press continue and register
- The final step here is to reopen the Apps ids you have just created before and configure the group. Click on the "Configure" button next to the App groups option
- In the list of app groups select the group you created in the first step, then click "Continue"
- Click on "Save" and "Confirm" the change
Step 3: IOS Certificate
Go to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/certificates/add
- Create a new iOS certificate for Distribution (App Store and Ad Hoc)
Use your mac to generate a CSR file from your Keychain tool
- Please check the related product documentation: https://help.apple.com/developer-account/#/devbfa00fef7
- Import the generated CSR in your Apple account
- Download your certificate (.cer file) and install it on your mac
- Use your Mac to export your certificate as a .p12 file
Step 4: iOS provisioning profile
Go to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/profiles/add
Create a new iOS provisioning profile according to your needs
- “Ad Hoc” for your MDM tool or other side load distribution
- “App Store” to deploy your app with the public Apple Store
- Click on "Continue"
- Select your app identifier, created in Step 2 (com.yourcompany.yourappname). Then click on "Continue"
- Select your associated certificate (created in Step 3)
- (Only for Ad Hoc distribution) select registered devices and click "Continue"
- Enter a name without spaces or special characters.
- Click "Save" and "Download" your profile (.mobileprovision file)
Step 5 (optional) : iOS identifiers for Notification
The following steps must be followed only if you want to use Notifications.
- As for step 2, create again a new identifier and select "Apps IDs"
- Select "Apps" and continue
- Enter a description (eg: “Your App Name Notification Service Extension”) and an identifier (eg: “com.yourcompany.yourappname.notificationserviceextension”)
Select following capabilities
- "App groups"
- "Fonts"
- "Push Notifications"
- The final step here is to reopen your Apps ids for Notification you have just created before and configure the group. Click the "Configure" button next to the App groups option
- In the list of app groups select the group you created at the first step, then click on "Continue"
Step 6 (optional) : iOS provisioning profile for Notification
Follow the same process as in Step 4 but for the iOS identifiers created for notification in Step 6 (so on the step where you'll need to select the App ID, be sure to select the notification identifier).
At the end, "Download" your profile (.mobileprovision file)
Step 7 (optional) : iOS notification key
The following steps must be followed only if you want to use Notifications.
Go to https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/authkeys/add
- Enter a key name (eg : YourAppNamePushNotificationsKey) then click on "Continue"
- Save and download your key (.p8 file)
WELL DONE! You have all the information needed to configure the packaging options in Powell Manager
Final step: Fill the information in Powell Manager
Open your application and go to the "iOS Setting" tab.
Enable the iOS configuration
First you need to continue with the Certificate generated in Step 3 :
- Enter your .p12 certificate downloaded previously and relative password
- Then with the profile provisionning configure in Step 4 :
First you need to continue with the Certificate generated in Step 3 :
Then the following "Notifications" block is optional and used only if you enabled Notifications. You must define :
- "Provisioning service extension file (.mobileprovision)" downloaded in Step 7
And the final step is about the asset of the app (splash screen and logo files). You have 2 options :
- Select your iOS splash screen color
- Upload only one file (all other sizes will be generated)
- Upload all the sizes needed (see board with all needed sizes)
Needed sizes for Splashscreen | Needed sizes for icon |
Please find the complete recommandations on app logos for IOS here : https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/foundations/app-icons/ (chapter : Specifications)