Discover how to boost and simplify Collaboration & Internal communication within your organization for your mobile workforce!
Two options
Ready to use with out-of-the-box functionalities like recent news, events, people directory, recent documents…
Personalized experience with a Powerful Tile builder and profiling
Included in your Powell Intranet licence
Enterprise deployment (MDM) with multi apps management & design personalization
Requires an additional license on top of Powell Intranet
Standard option
Get access to standard information from your Powell Intranet Portal
- Recent News
- Next Events
- Recent Documents
- People Directory
- Notification from important content published in the Powell 365 portal
Extend Powell Apps based on your personal needs. The advanced features of Powell Apps allow you to manage and configure the list of features available in the app.
It includes:
- Management of the Powell Apps navigation section
- Feature designer to define the rendering and content of the navigation section
- Theme management to add your own design in the app
- Profiling
You can download the app from:
Premium option
Don’t use a white-labeled application, and rather use your fully branded application.
It includes:
- All Powell Apps standard features
- Your personal mobile application name, logo, and splash screen.
- Automatic package builder for the deployment with an MDM solution on Android and IOS
- Multiple apps management system