Ideation is a key component of any successful business that allows companies to become innovative and remain competitive in the market. Through constant employee participation, engagement and brainstorming, new innovative ideas can be generated that will lead to new business projects and product innovations.Â
The Powell Intranet ideation portal offers you the capability to create campaigns to collect and manage ideas or projects around different themes.
The ideation feature is composed of :
- An ideation hub gathering all the active and past campaigns. Â
- A campaign portal gathers all the projects that the users have submitted.
- An ideation project page that describes the project and its status.
Ideation Hub
Welcome page
Existing components on the Ideation Hub home page :
- News: A search web part that displays the latest news created on the site
Ideation campaigns: The two web parts are a search box linked to a search web part fetching campaigns depending on properties.
- Active: display only active campaigns (that means the end date is not passed)
- Past: display only past campaigns (that means the end date is passed)
- Create a new campaign: The button linked to the Ideation campaign site creation allows contributors to create a new ideation campaign.
- Next completed: search web part fetching all the campaigns ordered by the ascending end date (to display first, the campaign with the closer end date).
- Latest selected projects: search web part fetching only the selected project ordered by the descending creation date (to display the selected latest project).
- Most famous projects: search web part fetching all the projects ordered by the descending like count (to display first the project with more likes).
- Best contributors: Compact leaderboard web part linked to gamification center and displaying users who win the most points using the ideation portal.
- Go to the leaderboard: A button that redirects users to the leaderboard page dedicated to the ideation portal.
Content management
As an end-user, what can I do on the page?
- Like the project to promote it
- Search a project
As a contributor to the campaign hub site, what I can do more?
- In addition to all actions that end users can do, a contributor can create a new campaign.
As I click this button, I have to fill in the campaign site creation form:Â
- GIve my campaign a title - as I do this, it will automatically generate a page URL
- Select the portal site URL you want keep as reference (Ideation hub or portal home for example)
The follow the wizard and create the site for your new ideation project:
Campaign site
Welcome page
Existing components on the page :
- Campaign banner: A graph web part that displays the site's properties (here, of the campaign properties).
- Campaign description: A standard text web part to display more information about the campaign, the challenges, and objectives.
Navigate through all projects: Two web parts here are a search box linked to a search web part fetching project ordered depending on properties.
- Shortlisted: display only shortlisted projects
- Famous: display projects ordered by like count descendingÂ
- Mine: only display projects created by the current user
- "Submit a project" button: linked to the Ideation project page creation, it allows users to create a new project page.
- Most famous projects: search web part fetching all the projects ordered by the descending like count (to display first the project with the more likes).
- Latest submitted projects: search web part fetching all the projects ordered by the descending creation date (to display first the latest project submitted.
Content management
As an end-user, what I can do on the page?
- Search a project
- Like or comment on the project to promote it
- Please share the project to communicate on it
- In a team in a specific channel
- In Yammer, on a specific group
- By mail
- Submit a project - through a project submission form.Â
How to edit a campaign or change the properties
 An owner of the campaign site can: Â
1. Edit a campaign and the site properties
Click the settings icon on the floating menu and go to site properties.
You can change the campaign title, description, and logo.
2. Delete a campaign
Go to the campaign page and click the SharePoint settings button to delete the campaign. Under the settings button, click site information. As you open the site information, you will be able to delete the page as well as edit the logo, site name, and description.Â
Project page
All users can create this page from the campaign site by clicking on the "Submit a project" button.
There are two components on the page :
- Project information: A graph web part that displays the properties of the page (here of the project properties)
- And you? What do you think? : A Powell discussion web part linked to the current page and allowed a user to give feedback on the idea.
As an end-user, what can I do on the page?
- Comment on the project to give feedback or ask for more information
- Like the project to promote it
- Please share the project to communicate on it
- In a team, in a specific channel
- In Yammer, in a particular group
- By mail
As an owner of the campaign site, what can I do more?
- In addition to all the actions that end users can perform, an owner of the campaign site will be able to shortlist a project when it's new and rank the preferred projects as "first."
- When a project is shortlisted, it's possible to select it. That means the project is validated and will be launched.
- You can also edit to delete a project.
How to edit or delete a project?Â
To edit or delete your project, go to your project page.Â
On the left, click the three-dots icon.Â
Click "edit" to edit your project/idea properties.
Click "delete" to delete this page ( your idea).Â
Additional technical information
By default, the templates use the following properties to display the campaigns or projects. So if you want to have a complete experience you need to map them in the Sharepoint search mapping :
RefinableDate10Â : POW_Campaign_End_Date
RefinableInt30Â : ows__LikeCount
RefinableString170Â : POW_Number_of_idea_to_reach
RefinableString171Â : POW_Campaign_Category
RefinableString172Â : ows_SiteDescription
RefinableString173Â : ows_pow_projectstatus