Company policies

We are thrilled to share with you that Powell Teams is now Powell Governance, marking our expanded focus on Microsoft 365!

Powell_Governance_V1 1.png

Expect documentation to be reflect this change in the coming days. For more information, please have a look at this article.


Powell Governance company policies allow you to request your workspace creators to opt-in a company policy written by a Powell Governance admin of your tenant during their workspace creation process. 


Create or update a company policy

To create or update a company policy, you should go to the "Company policies" accessible from the "Governance" section of Powell Governance menu.

Capture d'écran 2024-01-12 152548.png


The page displays the list of all your company policies and allows you to create new ones and edit or delete existing ones.



Creating or deleting a company policy will let you configure the company policy name description and add content in different languages.



By selecting a language in the associated drop-down list, you will add variations that will be displayed depending on the connected user language Microsoft Teams configuration during workspace creations.



You can also delete the language previously added in your comapny policies.


Associate a company policy to a Powell Governance template

Company policies can be associated to both teams and SharePoint sites templates.

To associate a company policy to a template, you must select the one you want in your template configuration wizard's "Governance" tag.



What do team creators see on their team creation wizard?

At the last step of the team creation wizard, when the template used to create the team contains a company policy, then team creators will have to read and accept the content of the company policy to be able to click the button "Create a team" and finalize their team creation.


When the user clicks the link or tries to confirm that they have read the company policy, a modal is opened, displaying the company policy content in the connected user's Microsoft Teams language configuration.


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