Template saving & mutliple team updates


A Powell Governance administrator can update multiple workspaces at once from a template. It is possible to save a template after some changes and reapply its configuration to the associated workspaces.


How does it work?

After having made modifications to a template, if you save it - you will have a choice to save it normally or save it and apply the changes on all the workspaces associated with this template.


Powell Governance will only add the missing configurations on the impacted workspaces. The process will not remove any channel, tags, member, tab, or application from existing teams. It will only add the missing ones present in the template and not yet in the workspace.

Applying a template on several teams at once will not :

- Re-apply the site design 

- Re-apply the naming convention

- Reset the expiration date 

Once saved, Powell Governance will update all the workspaces impacted in distinct job tasks.

If a different naming convention has been applied, then workspace owners or administrators will have to update the team so that the new naming convention is applied. 

We do not update workspace names for two main reasons:

- Tag values present in the new naming convention can be empty

- An incremental number would be added at each template edition

- Workspace members and owners are not necessarily aware of this change and could not find it anymore

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