Introduction to web parts

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Web parts are segmental components that shape the basic building block of a page. Web parts can help customize intranet content for example. Below you can find how web parts are used & organized for building the homepage of a department site based on the ready-to-use intranet - department template


Web parts are used & configured at different levels:

Web part categories

The Powell web parts are split into three major categories

🖍 Content management

The web parts are dedicated to organizing & display SharePoint content and also organizing the pages with static content.  Discover the web parts

🔄 Connectors

The web parts are dedicated to displaying content coming from 3rd party applications or Microsoft 365 functionalities like Delve, Exchange, PowerBI... Discover the web parts

🌊 Powell features

The web parts are associated with Powell features and will only work if you have all the prerequisites associated with the feature. Discover the web parts


How to add a Powell web-part

To configure a powell web part, you need to :

  • Click the plus sign to add a new web part, where you want it on your page.
Add a new web part to the page
  • Then search for "Powell Intranet Web-parts" from the list.


Select “Powell Intranet Webparts”

  • After selecting the Powell Intranet Web-parts, you'll see an empty widget, you need to edit it and select the desired web-part (to do so, click the pencil icon on your empty widget).
Edit the widget on your page
  • As you click the edit button for the Powell Intranet Web-parts,  you will see a web-part form. (The image below).
  • Fill in the required information
Powell Intranet Web parts Form
  • In the widgets section, select the feature you want to add to the page
Web-parts section to select the desired Widget


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