From a Mobile application configuration, you can enabled the Analytics that will allow you to see the usage and the adoption of your mobile application.
Once you have enabled the option some data are collected when the user is navigating through the app (all actions done before the activation of the option are not retrievable).
With these datas you can have two kind of reports.
Number of accesses (from Powell Manager)
From Powell Manager (in the same tab of the option) we display the number of clicks done on each menu items defined in your mobile application.
Note that only menu items with at least one click are displayed.
Complete mobile report (from an Intranet page)
From Powell Manager, or directly from a modern intranet site (deploy with Powell) you can deployed on a page the "Mobile report" webpart
This report is separated into 5 sections :
- The app selection
- The connexion
- The notification
- The subscription
- The views
The app selection
This little part is available if you have many mobile application. From there, you can choose for which app you want to display the data in the component below.
The connexion
In this part, you will have important information and options.
First of all the filters on the top right that will allow you to filtered the data displayed above depending on the period.
Then you can see the number of unique connexion to the app for the selected period for Office workers (with an SharePoint licence) and for frontline workers (without SharePoint licence).
At the right, a big button "Promote your app" is here to let you send a notification to all your users through a Teams message the download links to the app. You can directly see the preview of your message before sending it (see below)!
Promote your app and see the preview of your message
The notification
The notification part are split in two tiles.
On the left you will see how many notifications have been sent and how many was read / deleted or not opened by the users.
On the right are displayed the 4 latest notifications sent. The see more button will display more notifications in a popin. From there you can see the targeted people (Everyone, a user or the subscription) and the reading rate.
The subscription
All the available subscriptions for the users are displayed on the left tile. On the right you will see how many users have subscribed to each subscription (on this chart, only subscriptions used for at least one user are displayed).
The views
From the view, you can see on the left the number of clicks and the number of unique user for each node defined in your application. Only nodes with at least one click are displayed.
Onn the right you will have a representation of this click for the selected period. Group by day period (morning / afternoon / Evening) for the day, group by day for the week and group by weeks for the month.
Number of view for the month - group by weeks
Number of view for the week - group by days
Want to see in live ? Check our demo space : Mobile application report
Want to better promote your app ? It's now possible to have a download link behind the user tools in the header. Learn how to install it in this article : Promote your mobile application