Powell Governance prerequisites

Powell Governance is an app that can be used in your Microsoft Teams environment to enhance collaboration and governance within your organization. To use and install Powell Governance, there are certain prerequisites that need to be met.


Prerequisites to Use Powell Governance

To use Powell Governance, users must have an appropriate Microsoft 365 license that includes access to Microsoft Teams.


Prerequisites to Install Powell Governance

To install Powell Governance in your Microsoft 365 environment, the following prerequisites must be met:

  1. Access to the Microsoft Teams store: You need access to the Microsoft Teams store to select and install the Powell Governance application in Microsoft Teams. (external link: Manage app access in  the Microsoft Teams store)

  2. Access to the root SharePoint site for everyone: Users need to have at least read access to the default root SharePoint site in your Microsoft 365 environment  (This is the default configuration set by Microsoft)

  3. Be a global Microsoft 365 administrator (for the deployment only)

Data access

Additionally, to allow the Powell Governance app to read and display content from your Microsoft Teams environment, you must consent to the following Azure Directory apps:

  • For delegated access (connected user access rights)
  • For app access (advanced rights for Powell Governance administrators)

For more information on authentication and security access, please refer to the relevant article.


By meeting these prerequisites, you can successfully use and install Powell Governance in your Microsoft 365 environment.

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