Powell Governance for Education


Great news for students, administrations, and schools: Powell Governance supports Education tenants!

Education tenants have some specificities. There are four kinds of teams that can be created on those tenants: 


End-user side

End-users can see all their teams on their dedicated dashboard. All types of teams are visible:






Administrator side

Governance and administration features are also available for Education tenants.

Reporting will include the specific education teams. 

It is also possible to create and use templates based on Eduction-specific teams. Just select a classroom team as a reference for your template.



  • It is impossible to apply a template based on a classroom on a classic team or vice versa. 
  • For massive updates, while a classroom team has been selected, then only other classroom teams will be available to select, and templates based on classroom teams will be available. And vice versa.
  • It is not possible to edit a classroom team privacy for something else than "classroom" and vice versa for classic teams.



When you execute a massive update, it can be a long operation to update everything depending on the team number in your batch. if you execute multiple massive updates in a short period of time, massive updates will be executed one after one. We recommend performing one big massive update than multiple small ones, if it is possible, to have the best experience and fastest execution.

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