Flexdesk - Next bookings


Flexdesk - Next bookings webpart is included in the Flexdesk site template and page template. 

It is an element that show a quick resume of all current user's desk reservations.




( Global view of Flexdesk - Next bookings webpart ) 

  • Flexdesk - Next bookings will displays the next reservations made by the user 



( Focus on a desk reservation) 

  • If user click on a reservation, he will be able to book another reservation on the desk and / Or to see all reservations he made on that specific desk. 
  • User will also be able to delete a booking and edit the current one. 



( Edit view of Flexdesk - Next bookings webpart) 


  • In Flexdesk - Next Booking Settings, you can first select, if desired, a specific site from which reservations will be collected.
  • You can enable the display of booking for current day / weekmceclip3.png
  • You can enable email notifications : If enlabed, you can then define an email template. Select one, If a user book a desk trough the webpart, an email will be sent to him based on the email template you selected. 
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