December 2022 Powell Teams release note

Fix governance issues quicker

It is now possible to associate a template to several teams at once from the report detail pages. The aim of this new feature is to facilitate actions taken on teams highlighted by the Powell Teams reports.

The option is already available on the list of all the teams of the tenant.




Security enforcement for Powell Teams admins

To accelerate the deployment of Powell Teams after the installation of the app, all Microsoft Teams administrators and Microsoft global administrators are now added into the list of Powell Teams administrators automatically.

It is still possible to add new Powell Teams administrators, even users that are not Microsoft Teams administrators or Microsoft global administrators, but those users will have limited rights :

  • They are not able to add any user as a new Powell Teams administrator
  • They are not able to remove any existing Powell Teams administrator


User experience optimizations

We are committed to continuously improving our interfaces and user journeys to make them easier to use on a daily basis. Here are the optimizations included into this release:

  • Improved visibility of the action button on team cards
  • Better highlighting of the archived teams in the reports, all teams page, and user dashboard
  • The edition button is displayed directly when there is only one activity associated to a team
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