Corrective actions

Powell Governance provides several options to maintain your Microsoft 365 environment secure and compliant. Here are the key features for taking corrective actions on your workspaces:


Workspace edition

Administrators and workspace owners can access an editing interface for the workspaces they manage. From there, they can directly edit any information or configuration of their workspaces.

For more detail consult our dedicated article.


Unitary actions

Wherever it's possible to see a workspace listed in Powell Governance (user detail page, workspaces page, prebuilt reports and custom reports), administrators can take corrective actions directly on a team or site from the table, such as:

  • Edit
  • Add owners
  • Delete
  • Remove guests (if guests present)
  • Archive / Delete
  • Sent message to owner
  • Turn private (only for teams - if public)

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Bulk actions

On the same pages as unitary actions, administrators can take actions in bulk to apply corrections to multiple workspaces at once:

  • Add owners 
  • Apply a template
  • Archive / Restore 
  • Delete
  • Remove guests 
  • Turn private - Only for teams 

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Actions requested to workspace owners trough campaigns

Thanks to Powell Governance campaigns, it's possible to ask to workspace owners to take corrective actions by themselves. 
For more detail consult our dedicated article.

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