Approval workflow allows users to control the workspace creation.
In the section "Approval workflow", in the template settings, you can add approvers who will have to authorize the workspace creation. Selected approvers, will receive a request for the workspace creation which they can approve or decline. You can select the direct manager of the user as approver for workspace creation.
If the manager is not found in the AD, then all Powell Governance administrators
are designated as approvers for the workspace creation.
People selected as approvers are not mandatorily administrators or workspace members. They can simply be approvers who review the workspace information and authorise the creation.
The rule when you set multiple approvers is : The first person who validates or refuses the workspace creation will perform the action for all other approvers. Hence, the request will not be visible for other approvers.
Managing Requests
There are two ways two manage approval requests:
- Through the User dashboard in the notification bell
- Through the page "Pending approvals" as a Powell Governance administrator in the administration center
Notification page in the user dashboard
If you are selected as an approver or you have requested a workspace creation, the workspace creation requests will appear on the user dashboard in your list of notifications.
The approval tab will display the list of workspaces that require your approval in order to be created. To approve or decline a workspace, click on the "edit" button next to each workspace request.
My requests
For the workspaces that you have requested, you have an actual status informing you whether the workspace was approved or declined. You can click the "eye" icon to see the details of your workspace creation request.
The list of requests will display the workspace's template name, creation date, and the name of the author.
Review the workspace name, template name, privacy status, classification, tags, workspace owners/members and accept or decline the request.
When you accept/decline the workspace creation request, the requester receives a notification informing him if his workspace is authorised or not.
Retry of workspace creation after an approval decline
When a workspace creation requestor has his approval request declined, he can restart a new workspace creation with all initial information prefilled.
As a Powell Governance administrator
As a Powell Governance administrator, you have access to all pending requests in the administration section and you can approve or decline a request for all pending requests.
Go to the menu, then to Manage your workspaces, and then to the Pending approvals page.
Pending approval page
On the page "Pending Approvals" there are two tabs:
- A first one that displays all the pending approvals of your tenant
- A second one displaying the past requests
To access workspace details, click on the edit button next to each request. Review the workspace information and accept or decline the request.
As mentioned, Powell Governance administrators can approve/decline requests for all approvers, even if the approver is chosen to be a different person. The name of a person who approves/declines the request will be listed as an approver in the "Past requests" list. If a Powell Governance administrator approves the request, the approval request will disappear from the request list of other approvers.
If you want to cover more complex scenarios with approval workflows, you can built you own flow with Powell Governance automation. Here is an exemple of a 2 steps approval flow.