Tags & refiners


Tags are used for the team classification. When Powell Governance administrators create templates, they can add tags. Templates make it easy for users to find teams on the user dashboard. For more information about how tags are created in the template, read Team template settings


In the "Tags" section all existing tags are listed in alphabetical order. Create new tags or modify existing ones in this section. 


The tag page is available in the Manage section of the menu:

Capture d’écran 2023-07-25 165441.png

Create a new tag 

Click "Create a new tag". 


To create a new tag, give the tag a name, and choose a tag type from the dropdown menu.


There are six types of tags available in the dropdown menu

  • Text
  • Date
  • Number
  • Yes/No
  • Choice
  • People

You can use each tag as a refiner in the user Dashboard. Click the checkbox "Use this tag as a refiner in the user dashboard".  Read the Welcome page for more information on how refiners appear on the user dashboard and how teams can be found using filters.


If Powell Governance administrators do not set any refiners, a message will be displayed to invite them to do it 


Click "SAVE" to save your tag and return to the tag list. 

New tags are added to the tag list and will appear in your templates or naming conventions.


Edit your tags

To edit an existing tag, click the edit button at the end of each tag. You see the information about your tag including the tag name and type. 

You can modify and update this information. 

In the next section, all templates associated with this tag are displayed. This is the list of templates, in which this particular tag is used. 


For a tag with the type "choice", you will be able to modify the values as well. You can change, add, or delete the choices.  To change the name of a choice,  click on the box and change the value. To delete the choice, click on the cross button, and to add a new choice, click on the button "add a choice". Then save your changes. 


You can import your tag values for choice tags directly from a CSV file to save time. You just have to have only one column in your file with the values you want to import.


You can choose the order in which tag values are displayed for the "Choice" tag

When you edit a "choice tag," you can choose the order in which the tag values are displayed. This will affect the order in which tag values are displayed on the user dashboard refiner and during workspace creation.

To change the order of tag values, move the mouse near the dot icon displayed to the left of each tag. Click and drag it in the order you want it to appear.


choice 2.png

Powell Governance's types of tags


The type "Text" allows workspace creators or admins to assign a text value to a tag during the workspace creation process. (ex: customer, workspace purpose)

Tag customer.png

*When creating a value for the "Text Tag" during workspace creation, creators will see the list of existing tag values to avoid generating duplicates (typo, plural, or misspelling).


The type date allows one to associate a date with a workspace. (ex: workspace creation date, end of project, event date)

Tag Date.png

Important information about date tags:

We save the date in UTC format taking into account the time zone of the user who enters the value of the tag (for example: a user in Cambera (UTC+11) entered a date tag on 19/01/2022, we save the value in UTC format, i.e. 2022-01-18T13:00:00Z). This format allows us to keep all the dates saved using the same format. We return this format in our API. In the product interfaces, we readapt this format to the time zone of the connected user. A user located in France (UTC+1) will therefore see a date tag value of 18/01/2022 because we readjust to the time zone of Paris: 2022-01-18T14:00:00Z.



The type number allows workspace creators to assign a number to it. (ex: Internal code, iteration, Year)

Tag number.png


The type Yes/No requires a yes/no value.   

Tag YesNo.png
This tag is set by default to "none". In the other cases (Yes or No), the value will be set by default for team creations made with the template.


With this option, you can add several possible choices to a tag. 

Tag departement.png

During the team creation process, users choose the value from the dropdown menu. 


Allow Multi-value

You also have the option to manage multivalued selection. 

It means that when you allow the option Multi-value during a tag creation, in the team creation wizard, users will be able to add multiple values for a tag. ( Only applicable on the tags based on the type “choice”. 


You can create a tag Department based on the type “choice” with the list of the company departments. By allowing the multivalued option, a team can be tagged with multiple departments to allow to display of the same team in different departments in the refiners (on the user dashboard)  to easily find it when different departments work on the same project.


Check the example of a multi-value tag  “Department” in the images below:



Creating Tag “Department” with two choices  on the page “Tags” 


For example: for the tag "Location" add three choices "France", "Germany" and "USA". If you use this tag as a refiner on the user dashboard, users will be able to filter for a team, according to these three locations. 

Categorizing your teams with tags in the Template Settings


Choose tags in the team creation wizard




The tag "people" permits to associate a user to a workspace. (ex: manager, responsible, buddy, secondary owner).

Tag responsable.png


Note that the tag cannot be used in the naming convention. 

For the tag "people", different values can be chosen. If you allow "multi-value", you will be able to add as many people as you like. However, as you allow multi-value, it will no longer be possible to go back. For example: If you allowed multi-value and added three users in the template settings, you will not be able to change it to one person (as shown in the image below).


The team requestor/creator will be able to select users to fill this tag in the team creation process

teams creation.png


The users added as a tag, will not be added as members or owners of a team if he or she has not been added as a team owner or member in the template or during the team creation.



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