How to generate a custom Android package

What you need before starting​​

1: Generate Certificate (.keystore)

Generate a .keystore file to sign your application: Sign your app or Visual Studio

  • If you possess a .jks file, it is necessary to convert it into a .keystore file. Below is the command to execute within a terminal. Prior to that, make sure you have keytool or Android Studio installed.
    • keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore <alias>.jks -destkeystore <alias>.keystore -srcstorepass <password> -deststorepass <password>
  • /!\ If this is not done, rename the file to the name of the alias: "alias.keystore".
  • /!\ Avoid including special characters in your password.


2: Create a Firebase project

Go to

Step 1 : Sign in

Step 2 : Create a new project by following these steps




Step 3 : Create a new Android app by clicking on the Android icon in the dashboard



Step 4 : Register the app and download the “google-services.json” file


NB : Keep the google-services.json file it will be needed in the Powell Manager configuration if you want to enable the notification

Step 5 (optional - For notification only) : Get the file key of your application 

Go to “Project Settings” then “Service Account”, Click on “Generate a new private key” to retrieve the file containing all the information for the hub configuration step here.



3: Fill the information in Powell Manager

Open your application and go to the "Android Setting" tab.

  • Enable the Android configuration 
    • Select your Android splash screen color



  • Then you should dowload the certificate and fill the related password


  • The following "Notifications" block is optional and used only if you enabled Notifications. You must define :
    • On-field “Google service key” enter your firebase server key copied previously in step 1 
    • Upload your “google-services.json” file


  • The final step is about the asset of the app (splash screen and logo files). You have 2 options :
    • Upload only one file (all other sizes will be generated)
    • Upload all the sizes needed (see the board with all needed sizes)


Needed sizes for Splashscreen Needed sizes for icon
  • 200*320
  • 320*480
  • 480*800
  • 720*1280
  • 960*1600
  • 1280*1920
  • 36*36
  • 48*48
  • 72*72
  • 96*96
  • 144*144
  • 192*192​​


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