How to create an Azure notification hub

What you need to know before starting

Global settings

If you want to activate notifications on the app, you need to fill the information about your Azure notification hub name in the global settings of the app in P-Manager. This service will manage the sending of notification to users.

To do so, let yourself be guided by the following steps on how to create the hub and collect the information needed.

Step 1: Create the notification hub from Azure

Go on your Azure management portal:

From there, you can create a new resource :


On the page that is appearing, start to write notif to see the "Notification Hub service"




Click on the "Create" button to go on the creation wizard.

On the Basics tab, fill in all the mandatories information. Only the field "Notification Hub" will be used in a future step. Keep it in mind.


It's also from there you can define your pricing tier, by default the Free one is selected but you can if you want/need choose a bigger offer. An estimation is provided depending on your Azure usage.


Once you filled in all the info, you can click on Create and follow the next step of this documentation.

Step 2: Configure the Azure notification Hub for Android

In the “Google (FCM v1)” tab. open the file generated in this step

fill in the following information :

  • Private key : Private_key 
  • Client Email : client_email
  • Project ID : project_id

Step 3: Configure the Azure notification Hub for iOS

In the “Apple (APNS)” tab, you must select “Token” and fill in the following information :

  • Key Id : It the Key Id in notification key here
  • Bundle Id : It is the App ID create in this step
  • Team Id : this is your subscription team ID
  • Token (available within the .p8 file) here for generate

*All this information has been stored previously and can be found in your Apple developer account.

At the end, for the Application Mode you need to select “Production”


Final Step : fill the information in Powell Manager

To enable notifications in Powell Manager you must go back to the “Notifications” tab and fill in two types of information :

  • The azure notification hub name


  • The azure notification hub full shared connection string



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