Welcome page (user dashboard)


The Welcome page (user dashboard), is your overview of what is happening in Microsoft Teams as an end-user. Powell Governance administrators also have access to this page opening Powell Governance .

On this page, you will be able to process several actions: 

Find your workspaces

The page shows all the workspaces you are owner or member of.

To find a specific workspace, you can use different ways:

  • Dashboard tabs
  • Search bar & views
  • Refiners

Dashboard tabs

On top of the page, you have 3 tabs. 

  • Workspaces displays all the workspaces you are member or owner of.
  • My favorites displays the workspaces you added to favorites. To do that, you need to click on the 3 dots on a workspace and tag it as "favorite". The workspace will be immediately added to the “My favorites” tab.
  • Recommended workspaces displays workspaces that have been designated as "recommended" by an Powell Governance administrator.

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Search bar & views

The search bar allow you to directly look for a workspace with its name.

You have the possibility to switch from the card view to a table view to display your workspace directory.
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On the right side of your page, you will see the list of tags you can use to filter your workspaces. Most of our customers use filters such as "Location" or "Department" as their first refiners. They can also filter their workspaces using people tags :

Refiners created and configured by Powell Governance Administrators. If this area of your dashboard is empty, it means Powell Governance administrators haven't created any filters yet.

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Create a workspace

Powell Governance makes the process of workspace creation simple. You can create a new workspace based on predefined templates directly from the Welcome page. In order to create a workspace, click the button "Create a workspace" and the workspace creation form opens. 

For more detailed instructions on how to create a new Team: Create a new team.

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Take action on a workspace

Each workspace has a card and a table view. A workspace card gives users an overall short overview of what is happening within a workspace. Each workspace card includes a title, a description, the number of users of the workspace(owners + members) and a three-dots icon. In the table view you will also know what is the template assiociated to the workspace and the status (active or archived).

Workspace cards also show a governance status alert when workspaces are not respecting the rules of their templates.

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For each of your workspaces, you can perform several actions clicking on the 3 dots button of the team:

  • Open detail ( only for teams )
  • Edit the team / site
  • Add or remove from favorites
  • Archive
  • Leave team ( only for teams )

Open detail of a team

When you click on "Open detail", a panel is opened to show the different channels of the team. It is possible to directly access to the channels clicking on it. You also have the last document modified in this team accessible from this panel. And lastly, several quick links to access to the SharePoint site of the team, it files, Notebook and Planner.


Edit the workspace (only for workspace owners)

Workspace owners have the option to edit their workspaces. Here you can edit all of your workspace information and configuration. When a governance rule from the template is not respected, you will see a banner on the page asking you for a correction. It is also possible to archive your workspace from this page.

Discover our dedicated article about team edition.

Add or remove from favorites

Add your workspaces in your favorites when you have to access to it regularly. You can add or remove them directly within the options of the 3 dots button.


Stay informed

You can see a notification bell on the very top left corner of your page. Clicking on this bell opens a panel that is showing your last activities. You will be able to see your workspace creation process results and approval workflows status.

The eye and edit button allows to respectively see the detail and edit the information related to the notification.


It is possible to filter your notification to see only: Requests pending for your approval, My requests waiting for approval and Governance alerts.

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Workspace creation status

Once a workspace is starting to be created, you will be able to have the status of this creation in the My requests tab: Pending, approved or declined.

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When a workspace creation requires an approval, both workspace requestor and approvers are notified.

Requestor can have access to the workspace creation request and see the status and details of the request.

Approvers can directly accept or decline the workspace creation based on the information displayed.


Find more information about approval workflows on the page "Manage approval workflow".


Powell Governance administration access & Sign out

As a Powell Governance administrator, you can access to the Powell Governance back office with the "Admin center" button displayed at the top right of the page. For more information about the Administration part: The overview of the administration section

You can also disconnect from Powell Governance clicking on "Sign out".


For more information about the Administration part: The overview of the administration section


Frequently asked questions

1- Why can't I see any workspaces?

Powell Governance only display workspaces when you have access as a workspace member or a workspace owner. You can join an existing workspace or create your first workspace with the "Create a workspace" button to start collaborating with your colleagues.


2- Why can't I see any refiner in the left column?

Refiners are created and configured by Powell Governance Administrators. If this area of your dashboard is empty Powell Governance administrators haven't created any filters yet. To configure the refiners, you need to be a Powell Governance Administrator. Then you can access the admin settings through the Manage tags page in the administration section. 


3- Who can access the user dashboard in the company?

When Powell Governance is activated in Microsoft Teams, everyone can access the user dashboard if the app is deployed manually by the user or deployed globally by a Microsoft Teams Administrator. A global Microsoft Teams administrator can also restrict access to the Powell Governance application to specific employees within the Microsoft Team administration center. 



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