🎯 Standalone template - Advent Calendar

This article is associated to the "site templates" category. To understand the fundamental of the site templates, read the introduction article

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Your company intranet is the ideal place to host your festive internal comms, especially for the holiday seasons such as Christmas. 

The advent Calendar template on the Powell Intranet aims to promote activity and engagement among company employees, before signing off for the holidays. The calendar consists of quiz questions or news displayed with a numbered image to resemble the door of an advent calendar. The calendar can be individually designed to delight the employees every day. 

The employees will click the numbers every day to find a new fun/festive question. The goal is to bring festivity to the workplace and encourage communication, informal chat, sharing, and co-creation.



On the "Advent Calendar" page, you can see two web parts. 

The first is the Banner web part, which is a content management web part, used to introduce an Intranet page with a beautiful design: a banner image and a title. 

If you are a Contributor 👩‍🌾, you can see how to configure this web part on the Page Banner. 🖍 Content management web part - Banner
Screenshot 2022-02-09 at 14.23.17.png

The second section displays the calendar itself - with numbers corresponding to days of the months. Employees can click each number, opening up a dedicated page corresponding to each date. 

Screenshot 2022-02-09 at 14.33.39.png

This calendar displayed is configured using a "universal connector editor" web part. Thanks to the Universal Connector web part, you can expand the scope of the elements displayed on the web part and configure it the way you want.

If you are a Contributor 👩‍🌾, you can see how to configure this web part on the page 🔄 Connector web parts - Universal Connector (API). 


Content Management

 For example,  If I click the number "1", it will open a pop-up window with a Powell-discussion web part that will let employees interact with each other. You can incite a discussion by writing a question or uploading an image. Other people will be able to respond to your post.  

If you are a Contributor 👩‍🌾, you can see how to configure this web part on the page 🔄 Connector web parts - Powell Discussion. 

Screenshot 2022-02-09 at 14.35.59.png

You can pin a discussion, edit, close, or remove it. 

Screenshot 2022-02-09 at 14.47.14.png


If you are an Administrator👩‍🏭 and you want to know how to deploy the Advent Calendar template on the Intranet, go to the page    Deploying a template on Powell Manager. 


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