September 2022 Powell Teams release note


Complete support for EDU Tenant

We are proud to announce that EDU tenants are now supported in Powell Teams:
  • Classrooms and other education-specific teams are now visible in all Powell Teams reports & user dashboard
  • You can create templates based on those teams and use them for team creation or edition.
  • We support the specific Microsoft Teams rights & rules associated with EDU


Updates on administrator's KPIs and Governance Score

After the first release of the administrator dashboard, we collected a lot of feedback from our partners and customers about KPIs and the governance score. In this release, we updated it to be more accurate and aligned with customer needs.

  • Some KPI calculations have changed or replaced by new accurate ones
  • Some governance score calculations have changed or replaced by new accurate ones

Learn more: Powell Teams governance score

New refiner experience in the user dashboard.

We leveraged the refiner experience to make them simpler to use by users and bring more value to the user dashboard and the use of tags in the Powell Teams templates.
  • Refiners are now exclusive. It means that only tag values that are associated with the teams of the connected user are visible. In another way, tag values displayed are corresponding to the teams of the connected user.
  • For tags with many values, a search bar and a see more have been added for better readability.


Learn more:  Welcome page

Massive update on teams

After a certain time or after installing Powell Teams on an existing tenant, your teams require updating. Updating each team manually is very time-consuming. With Powell Teams, you can now deliver a massive team update with just a few clicks. On the "all teams" page, administrators can select as many teams as they want and associate a template to all these teams through the button "associate a template." 

As you click the button "associate a template," you will choose a template from the list and validate it. The change will be immediately applied to all your selected teams. 


Learn more: Manage existing teams - All Teams 

Team updates from everywhere

The team information page has been updated:
  • All Team details are available in a new enhanced interface.
  • The experience is the same for Powell Teams administrators, team owners & team members to ensure a better user experience.
    • Powell Teams administrators can edit all teams of the tenant (advanced permission).
    • Team owners can edit their teams from this interface.
    • Team members have read-only access to their teams.
  • The team edition is accessible from:
    • All reports and the "All teams" page for Powell Teams administrators.
    • The 3 dots menu for each team on the user dashboard.
    • A new Powell Teams tab can be added in any channel of your teams.


Learn more:  Team Edition


Additional updates

  • Teams are ordered alphabetically on all Powell Teams pages
  • Powell Teams templates include the capacity to allow guests but block guests that are not already registered in your Azure Active Directory.
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