You can access and manage all your existing teams and SharePoint sites on the page "Workspaces."
On the page "Workspaces" you will be able to see the entire list of the teams and SharePoint sites of your tenant. It is also possible to do several options from this page:
- Create a new team or SharePoint site
- Operate actions on each workspace: Edit a workspace, send a message to owners, archive or restore, and delete any kind of workspace.
- Operate bulk actions on several workspaces: Associate a template, archive or restore and delete.
Teams and sites are ordered alphabetically. It is possible to navigate between teams and sites thanks to the two tabs on top of the page "Teams" and "SharePoint sites".
The list of teams displays the most important element related to each team:
- The team name
- The privacy (Private/public)
- The name of the template that is applied to a team (with direct access)
- The number of team owners
- The number of team members (including the potential guests)
- The number of guests
- The team status
For each team it is also possible to take action on it:
- Edit
- Send a message to the owners
- Archive / Restore
- Delete
The list of sites displays the most important element related to each site:
- The site name
- The name of the template that is applied to a team (with direct access)
- The type of SharePoint site
- The number of team owners
- The number of team members
- The number of team visitors
- The number of guests
- The site status
For each site it is also possible to take action on it:
- Edit
- Archive / Restore
- Delete
Create a workspace
To create a team or a SharePoint site, click the "Create a team" or "Create a site" button on top of the page and follow the instructions in the creation wizard.
To learn more about the team creation process, visit the Create a new Team page.
Edit a workspace
On this page, you can apply modifications to your workspace. You can click the three-dot icon to access the edit button or simply click the workspace name.
Either way, you will access the workspace edition page. You are presented with detailed information on your workspace in the edition tab. You can change the settings directly on this page, archive, or restore the workspace. When a site design is associated with the template of a workspace, it is possible to reapply it directly from this page (planned for SharePoint sites).
*Team edition tab is also available from the user dashboard for team owners and team administrators, and all reports page in the admin center, and from a Powell Governance tab.
To find out more about how to edit your teams, visit the page Team edition.
Apply a Template on your workspaces
When you edit your workspace, you can apply a new template to it. Governance policies of the template will be then applied to the existing workspace.
You will be able to review the template settings with imported channels and imported owners & members. Applying a new template will not delete the previously existing members & owners. It will add members and owners appearing in the chosen template. The same goes for channels in the case of a team.
When you apply a Powell Governance template on an existing workspace, the existing content like users, channels, tabs, and documents will not be deleted. We only add the governance rules and missing content available in the Powell Governance template.
Read more about the workspace edition and changing template here.
Apply a template on multiple workspaces at once
On the page workspaces page, you can provide a massive update to your teams and SharePoint sites.
Administrators can select as many teams as they want and associate a template to all these workspaces through the button "associate a template." As you click the button "associate a template," you will choose a template from the list, follow the instructions, and validate the change. The change will be immediately applied to all your selected teams.
Applying a template on several workspaces at once will not :
- Re-apply the site design of the template
- Re-apply the naming convention of the template
- Reset to the date of the day, the expiration date of the template
Selecting all the workspaces with the checkbox will select all the visible workspaces. You can also select the entire teams or SharePoint site of your tenant by clicking on "select all" beside this checkbox.
To update multiple workspaces at once and associate a template to several teams or SharePoint, you can use our API endpoint:
SharePoint sites:
Batching this endpoint on multiple team IDs will apply a template to several workspaces.
When you execute a massive update, it can be a long operation to update everything depending on the number of workspaces in your batch. if you execute multiple massive updates in a short period, massive updates will be executed one after one. We recommend performing one big massive update rather than multiple small ones, if it is possible, to have the best experience and fastest execution.
Archive workspaces
It is possible to archive a single workspace on the 3 dots button of the workspace.
Or in bulk action to archive several workspaces at once to clean up your environment.
Delete workspaces
The option to delete several workspaces at once or workspace by workspace is also available in Powell Governance. It works the same way as the previous options.
On a single workspace.
Or in bulk action to archive several workspaces at once to clean up your environment.
Select the "delete" option in the bulk action drop-down, list, and select the teams you want to delete.
And confirm the action after verification.